Monday, May 25, 2009
charla debate de la coordinadora en defensa de los servicios públicos
Dret i Defensa del Serveis Públics: Xerrada Debat 28 de maig
Serveis públics, guanys privats: Defensem els Serveis Públics!
"Com es privatitza la Sanitat Pública avui a Catalunya"
"Marc legal que permet les privatitzacions dels SSPP"
"Informació dels estudiants en contra del procés Bolonya"
"L'educació en temps de privatització"
Als locals de la CGT a Barcelona,
Via Laietana, 18 planta 9, Tel. 933 103 362 - Metro: Jaume I (Lin. IV)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
25.05.2009: Postales de Leningrado en Barcelona.
Hola a todos. Por medio de este correo los quiero invitar a la proyección de "Postales de Leningrado". Esta es una película Venezolana, ganadora de muchísimos premios internacionales, dirigida por Mariana Rondón, y musicalizada por mi. Entooooonces, para los que estén interesados, esto es el próximo lunes 25 de mayo a las 19.30 en el Instituto Francés de Barcelona. Calle Moiá 8, y la entrada es libre. Habrá una mesa redonda con la Directora y algunos miembros del elenco, seguramente me incorporaré y diré algunas tonterías como siempre. Pero bueno... Es verdaderamente buena la película, ojalá puedan venir. (sin mencionar la maravillosa música, claro...) Espero verlos por ahi, y de ahi, pues chela, no? Mando también invitación por attachment. Saludos. Felipe. |
Thursday, May 14, 2009
más falso que milli vanilli
Una onegé denuncia que el 'reality' de Cuatro 'Perdidos en la tribu' es un montaje
Aseguran que los bosquimanos ni usan taparrabos ni viven como aparece en el programa. Solo lo hacen por dinero
Thursday, May 07, 2009
viajar más rápido que la luz es posible
The warp drive, one of Star Trek's hallmark inventions, could someday become science instead of science fiction.
Some physicists say the faster-than-light travel technology may one day enable humans to jet between stars for weekend getaways. Clearly it won't be an easy task. The science is complex, but not strictly impossible, according to some researchers studying how to make it happen.
The trick seems to be to find some other means of propulsion besides rockets, which would never be able to accelerate a ship to velocities faster than that of light, the fundamental speed limit set by Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Luckily for us, this speed limit only applies within space-time (the continuum of three dimensions of space plus one of time that we live in). While any given object can't travel faster than light speed within space-time, theory holds, perhaps space-time itself could travel.
"The idea is that you take a chunk of space-time and move it," said Marc Millis, former head of NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. "The vehicle inside that bubble thinks that it's not moving at all. It's the space-time that's moving."
Already happened?
One reason this idea seems credible is that scientists think it may already have happened. Some models suggest that space-time expanded at a rate faster than light speed during a period of rapid inflation shortly after the Big Bang. "If it could do it for the Big Bang, why not for our space drives?" Millis said.
To make the technique feasible, scientists will have to think of some creative new means of propulsion to move space-time rather than a spaceship.
So perhaps some unique geometry of mass or exotic form of energy can manipulate a bubble of space-time so that it moves faster than light-speed, and carries any objects within it along for the ride.
"If we find some way to alter the properties of space-time in an imbalanced fashion, so behind the spacecraft it's doing one thing and in front of it it's doing something else, will then space-time push on the craft and move it?" Millis said. This idea was first proposed in 1994 by physicist Miguel Alcubierre.
In the lab
Already some studies have claimed to find possible signatures of moving space-time. For example, scientists rotated super-cold rings in a lab. They found that still gyroscopes placed above the rings seem to think they themselves are rotating simply because of the presence of the spinning rings beneath. The researchers postulated that the ultra-cold rings were somehow dragging space-time, and the gyroscope was detecting the effect.
Other studies found that the region between two parallel uncharged metal plates seems to have less energy than the surrounding space. Scientists have termed this a kind of "negative energy," which might be just the thing needed to move space-time.
The catch is that massive amounts of this negative energy would probably be required to warp space-time enough to transport a bubble faster than light speed. Huge breakthroughs will be needed not just in propulsion but in energy. Some experts think harnessing the mysterious force called dark energy — thought to power the acceleration of the universe's expansion — could provide the key.
Even though it's a far cry between these preliminary lab results and actual warp drives, some physicists are optimistic.
"We still don't even know if those things are possible or impossible, but at least we've progressed far enough to where there are things that we can actually research to chip away at the unknowns," Millis told "Even if they turn out to be impossible, by asking these questions, we're likely to discover things that otherwise we might overlook."
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
¿morir de gripe o morir de hambre?
24.000 personas mueren diariamente de hambre, 3.000 de malaria, 3.500 de tuberculosis, algunas centenares de dengue. Estos son los números de las verdaderas epidemias, pandemias o como se quieran llamar a lo que rodean nuestras vidas y las hacen más inestables.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Adhesions per la llibertat d'Enric Duran
el manifest de més a baix és únicament perquè s'hi adhereixin ENTITATS I
El formulari per signatures individuals el trobareu a l'apartat web: o en un paper de recollida de signatures que
s'exposa en actes públics (st. Jordi, Festival pel decreixement,...).
Les adhesions de col.lectius envieu-les a l'adreça:
Aquestes s'entregaran al jutge el dia 11 de maig; abans que es resolgui el
segon recurs que es va presentar el 14 d'abril a l'audiència provincial.
Ens queden 10 dies per fer la difusió, les trucades i aconseguir el màxim
suport d'entitats i col.lectius.
Per la llibertat d'Enric Duran
Transcorregut prop de dos mesos des de l'empresonament de l'activista social
Enric Duran, les entitats sotasignants volen manifestar:
• Considerem abusiva, desprorcionada i injustificada la presó preventiva
decretada contra Enric Duran. Ús abusiu de la presó preventiva que conformen
un dels punts negres que pateix el nostre sistema penal, processal i
• Estimem espúria l'alarma social adduïda i inexistent "el risc de fuga"
estimat. Enric Duran va tornar públicament i lliurement a casa nostra, en
base a una decisió personal i a la denúncia del poder que acumula el poder
de la banca, protagonista principal de la crisi que patim. Enric Duran ho va
anunciar en roda de premsa pública, tot instint que assumia la
responsabilitat derivada del seus actes, d'acord amb els principis ètics en
el que es fonamenta la desobediència civil.
• Sol•licitem, per tant, la finalització de la situació de presó preventiva
i que se'n decreti la seva llibertat. Afirmant que ens fem socialment
corresponsables de la seva posada llibertat, negant taxativament que
existeixi 'alarma social' i afirmant categòricament que no existeix cap risc
de fuga.
Per la llibertat d'Enric Duran.
A Barcelona, a 11 de maig de 2009.
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